All The Leaked Skins From Fortnite’s v10.40 Patch Ranked From Worst To Best

Here are all the leaked skins from Fortnite's latest update, ranked from worst to best.

Credit: Epic

Here are all the leaked skins from Fortnite's latest update, ranked worst to best.

The last big update for Fortnite's Season 10, patch v10.40, landed this morning. It paves the way for the final two weeks of the season, with new challenges, cosmetics, map changes and more.

You can read the patch notes here.

As always, a bunch of leaked skins and cosmetics were leaked in this patch.

This is far from Epic's best effort when it comes to new skins, but there are a few I like quite a bit.

Let's take a look at these from worst to best. We'll kick things off with . . . .

Slingshot (Uncommon) â€" Race to win

Slingshot (Uncommon)

Credit: Epic


This skin just feels like a rehash of so many others. The race-car driver outfit is fine, I guess, but mostly I'm just bored.

Manic (Uncommon) â€" Show 'em your game face.

Manic (Uncommon)

Credit: Epic

Manic is better than Slingshot, but again I just feel like we've seen this template before. Nothing really new to inspire me to part with my V-Bucks.

The next four skins are all essentially the same, and I would tie them with Manic. They're cool, but just nothing special. They remind me of the previous assassin skins we've seen in the game, largely because of the face masks.

Snakepit (Uncommon) â€" Fearless

Snakepit (Uncommon)

Credit: Epic

Deadfall (Uncommon) â€" Relentless

Deadfall (Uncommon)

Credit: Epic

Vice (Uncommon) â€" Wild

Vice (Uncommon)

Credit: Epic

Knockout (Uncommon) â€" Precise

Knockout (Uncommon)

Credit: Epic

Danger Zone / Hot Zone (Rare) â€" Embrace danger / Turn up the heat

These are special purchase skins that come with their own challenges. I think I prefer Hot Zone just because he's a little more unique than Danger Zone. She just reminds me way too much of the other robotic-style skins we've seen in this game for the past however many seasons.

Danger Zone / Hot Zone (Rare)

Credit: Epic

Brite Blaster (Rare) â€" Life's a blast.

Brite Blaster

Credit: Epic

We're picking up with Brite Blaster just a notch, partly because his shades are so fabulous and partly because of those duel pickaxes he's shown with. Will he come with those? I doubt it, though it's weird to see a skin pictured with a harvesting tool. He's male the counterpart to Brite Bomber.

Red Jade (Uncommon) â€" Summon your fighting spirit.


Credit: Epic

Not gonna lie: I think the abundance of red in the Ruby skin is kind of sexy. Sure, she'll make a heck of a target on the battlefield, but between this and the leaked glider and back bling I just really dig the red.

Red Jade (Uncommon) â€" Summon your fighting spirit.

Red Jade

Credit: Epic

Speaking of red and Fortnite's sexier skins, Red Jade is neck and neck with Ruby as far as I'm concerned. I love the Asian-themed skins Epic has introduced, which range from masked Samurai to more subtle ninja skins like this one. (My favorite may be the as-of-yet unreleased Shifu skin.)

Ragsy (Epic) â€" Say hello to your worst nightbear.


Credit: Epic

Clearly these next two skins are the cream of the crop as far as this leak goes. They remind me of the twisted Gutbomb and Hothouse skins released earlier this season, that were basically bizarro versions of Tomato Head and the Durrr Burger skins. This Ragsy skin is a nightmarish Cuddle Team Leader.

Bash (Epic) â€" When good llamas go bad.


Credit: Epic

I'm giving Ragsy and Bash a tie, though I guess if I had to pick one I'd go with Bash. "When good llamas go bad" is a pretty hilarious tagline, and I just like the idea of Fortnite's llama mascot going full evil this season.

And that's all folks. Not a terrible lineup, but not the game's best either. We may still see some new skins before Season 11 kicks off, but this is the last large batch you should expect. Season 10 is over in about two weeks. Get ready for some truly massive changes, as all signs currently point toward a massive season-ending event called 'The End' or 'The Final Reckoning' that will almost certainly lead to a brand new map.

That's exciting! I can't wait to see what the next phase of Fortnite has to offer.

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