Fortnite Fortnitemares COUNTDOWN: Start date, time, skins, leaks, challenges, patch notes

Fortnite Fortnitemares

Fortnite Fortnitemares countdown - Start date, time, skins, leaks, challenges, patch notes (Image: EPIC GAMES)

Fortnite Fortnitemares is coming soon, with the latest Halloween event arriving just in time for the spooky festivities this week.

It has been confirmed that the third Fortnite Fortnitemares event will be taking place on Tuesday October 29.

The Fortnite Twitter account last week confirmed the return of Fortnitemares and has since been teasing new skins for Battle Royale.

Last Thursday they tweeted: "The nightmare lurking under your bed.

"The new Jawbreaker Outfit, Teef Outfit, Goo Glider, Globber Pickaxe, Stickers Pickaxe, and Noshy Wrap are available now!

"#Fortnitemares returns: October 29".

Among the new Fortnite skins is the gas mask wearing Chaos Agent, the Delirium outfit and Spellbound staff and the Dead Ball set.

Other Fortnitemares cosmetics include the Zombie emote and the new Fright Flame wrap.

Fortnitemares is also bringing with it the brand new Final Reckoning pack.

This includes the new Catrina, Willow and Blacklight outfits.

Leaks have also indicated that the Fortnitemares event will also bring with it the new Minty Candy axe.

This is believed to be part of the leaked Fortnite Minty bundle.

Fortnite Fortnitemares

Fortnite Fortnitemares countdown - Start date, time, skins, leaks, challenges, patch notes (Image: EPIC GAMES)

At the time of writing a list of Fortnitemares challenges have not been leaked by dataminers yet.

But, judging by past events, a new selection of Fortnitemares challenges could be inbound for the 2019 seasonal event.

Fortnitemares looks set to be included with the upcoming Fortnite update 11.10 download.

This will be the first full fat download of Fortnite chapter 2 season 1, with the past patch a content update.

Fortnite Fortnitemares

Fortnite Fortnitemares countdown - Start date, time, skins, leaks, challenges, patch notes (Image: EPIC GAMES)

Looking at past release schedules, there could be Fortnite server downtime around 9am UK time on Tuesday ahead of the update 11.10 release.

Server downtime typically lasts for a few hours, so Fortnite fans could be playing the Fortnitemares event by 11am UK time on Tuesday.

Ahead of the release of the next Fortnite update here's some of the fixes the inbound patch could be bringing…

Fortnite Fortnitemares

Fortnite Fortnitemares countdown - Start date, time, skins, leaks, challenges, patch notes (Image: EPIC GAMES) FORTNITE UPDATE 11.10 - EARLY PATCH NOTES

• Lighting is darker than intended since v.9.20

• Mission challenges incorrectly display 14,000 XP

• Controller input not working properly for Friends search

• Gift wrap missing for gifted Battle Passes

• Players with "Auto Pick Up Weapon" enabled can automatically pick up the Bandage Bazooka even if only one inventory slot is available

Fortnite Fortnitemares

Fortnite Fortnitemares countdown - Start date, time, skins, leaks, challenges, patch notes (Image: EPIC GAMES)

• Pickaxing player-built structures falsely indicates that it gives materials

• Editing a style in the Locker after making an Item Shop purchase may cause controller controls to lock

• DBNO teammates cannot be revived or picked up if they're in contact with corn stalks

• Explosive objects don't have a Visualize Sound Effect indicator

• Not receiving credit for the Gunk Ops Achievement

- Stay tuned to for more Fortnite news and updates

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