'Fortnite' Search Hidden N in Lowdown Loading Screen Location Challenge Guide

Fortnite Chapter 2 continues with its Week 5 Lowdown Challenges. Following the appearance of a hidden T last Thursday, now players are searching for a hidden letter N. In this guide, we'll reveal where the hidden N is located and describe how it can be found using the latest Loading Screen.

Fortnite the Lowdown Challenges

Just like previous weeks, players must complete at least eight of the following Lowdown challenges for the hidden N to appear. After that the special Loading Screen will be unlocked, which reveals the letter's location. Since the start of Fortnite Chapter 2, players have embarked on similar weekly quests to collect all eight "FORTNITE" letters. Do so, and you'll unlock a unique Battle Pass skin in Week 8.

  • Search Chests at E.G.O. outposts (seven)
  • Deal damage to opponents while riding in a Motorboat (500)
  • Visit different E.G.O. outposts (five)
  • Assault Rifle Eliminations (three)
  • Revive a teammate in different matches (three)
  • Search Ammo Boxes in different Named Locations (seven)
  • Heal teammates with a Bandage Bazooka (200)
  • Eliminations at Craggy Cliffs or Salty Springs (three)
  • Reboot a teammate (one)
  • Assist teammates with Eliminations (seven)
  • This guide focuses entirely on the location of the hidden letter N, but the EGO Outpost Challenges may prove to be difficult for players who don't know where those are located. Beyond that, though, Week 5 may be one of the most straightforward challenge weeks of Chapter 2 thus far.

    Fortnite hidden N location

    With eight Lowdown Challenges done, you'll unlock this Loading Screen. While it may be difficult to spot, the letter N is visible on the wall on the left-hand side of the image behind the character wearing a baseball cap. To find the N, all you have to do is go to the warehouse featured in the Loading Screen and head to the back.

    That warehouse is located southwest of Holly Hedges as marked on the map below.

    When you get there, go up the stairs. You'll find the hidden letter N near this trash can. That's all you need to know to find the hidden letter N in Fortnite's Lowdown Loading Screen.

    Fortnite is available now on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC and mobile. Challenge progress carries across all platforms using the same Epic account.

    What are your thoughts on Fortnite's Lowdown Challenges? Did you locate the hidden letter N for Week 5? Tell us in the comments section!

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