EpicFortnite has introduced a Kylo Ren skin into the game, and has done so using the above promotional image, one that seems to be indicating that an old area from the original map might end up returning to the new, Chapter 2 map.
That would be Frosty Flights.
Frosty Flights showed up in season 7 back when planes took over the game for a season, and it was still left on the map even after planes themselves went away, even if it’s core purpose was now somewhat defunct.
But what we can see in this image is clearly a Frosty Flights hangar in the background of Kylo there, complete with the old AIM logo from the last map. But that tower, the trees around it, that’s all new.
EpicYou can say that Epic just pulled some set piece out of the game for the background, but they really never do anything by accident, and it seems more likely that this is a tease of Frosty Flights possibly returning to the map. A good chunk of the Fortnite map is now covered in snow, so I could see them adding Frosty, or at least parts of Frosty, as a landmark or new zone some time this season.
The Fortnite Chapter 2 map has been sort of a confusing hodgepodge of both old and new areas, as we have seen some outright return, from Salty Springs to Pleasant Park, and some that seem to pretty clearly echo old zones, like Frenzy Farm being a re-done Anarchy Acres. So no, I would not rule out Epic bringing back more old areas onto the new map, though I would hardly think that Frosty Flights is one of the more beloved ones. It’s hardly Tilted Towers.
We will see if anything comes of this, but again, Epic rarely does anything without there being some larger meaning or tease behind background features like this, as it’s happened many times in the past. They could have chosen any background for the Kylo skin, and this revamped Frosty hangar probably has some greater significance and may arrive soon enough here. Stay tuned.
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