Fortnite: What Can We Expect From Patch V11.40?

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1 has been out for quite some time now, with the season extended an extra two months we are just over the halfway point of the first season of this new chapter of Fortnite.

One of the common trends throughout Season 1, has been the lack of patch notes and new additions to the game.

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This is straying away from how Epic Games has been operating Fortnite in the past, usually, we would get one to two new items every week and some other mechanics added.

With the next patch set to release this week or next, we take a look at what could be added before Winter Royal 2019!

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This may be a bit early to include in the next update, but we feel like Epic Games may decide to include some files for a potential Valentine's event.

Last year, they showcased the Share The Love Event. This was sort of like Winterfest 2019, where players could unlock other cosmetic items and variants of different skins but there was also a competitive side of it.

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Much like how Winter Royal 2019 played a role in Winterfest 2019, Share The Love features its own solo tournament with an ample prize pool as well.

Epic Games is always known to throw some sort of Valentine's event at us, so do not be surprised if some files get added to this upcoming patch.

More Items? Please

The next additions fans should look forward too is the possibility of some new items finally.

We have seen Epic Games add the Scoped AR back into the weapon pool along with the recently added Lightsabers for the Star Wars event.

However, flashing back to a month ago when data miners unveiled some leaked weapons, we still do not have the Heavy AR back into the mix.

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Another note to take into consideration is how Epic Games has been finally separating loot pools for competitive play and public matches.

This was one of the biggest areas of concern for the developers and maybe we will see some new weapons or items added into competitive as well.

One aspect that competitive players have been asking for since the season released is mobility items. With how big the new Fortnite map is, getting across the map has never been more difficult.

Hopefully, we see the addition of some sort of mobility items such as a launchpad or impulse grenade.

What do you want to see in the next patch notes?

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