'Fortnite' No Fishing Sign Locations Cameo Vs Chic Challenge Guide

The Fortnite Overtime Challenges for Cameo vs. Chic allow you to earn a yellow skin variant for the stylish character. You'll need to complete nine of the Overtime Challenges to unlock this style, granting 52,000 experience along the way. With new challenges getting churned out every week for multiple years, Epic Games' developers are finally starting to struggle to come up with new ways to fill players' time.

One of this week's most obtuse challenges has you fishing for an item at No Fishing signs. These signs can be found and lakes and ponds and often have a barrel of fishing rods nearby. When trying to find an item, look for small foamy circles in the water that seem to be moving. You'll likely find an item within a few seconds. You just have to reel it in.

Note that, while the No Fishing Signs can be destroyed by other players, fishing in these spots should grant challenge progress regardless. In other words, don't sweat it if the sign isn't there.

The first spot you'll want to check out lies slightly north of Slurpy Swamp. Next to the factory, you'll find a dock with the No Fishing sign.

From there, you can head to the west, on the left side of the walls of Slurpy Swamp. There you will find a sign near a motor boat.

The last one you'll need can also be found at Slurpy Swamp on the south end. Congratulations, you have now broken laws with the Fortnite EPA to unlock a skin variant!

Here is the complete list of Overtime Challenges for Cameo vs. Chic.

  • Reach Battle Pass Tier 80 (80)
  • Complete 'Cameo VS. Chic' Mission Objectives (9)
  • Catch an item with a Fishing Rod at different locations with No Fishing signs (3)
  • Consume an Apple, a Mushroom, and a Slurproom (3)
  • Search a Rare Chest or Supply Llama (5)
  • Elimination at different named locations (5)
  • Catch a fish at Lake Canoe, Lazy Lake, and Flopper Pond (3)
  • Visit a lonely recliner, a radio station, and an outdoor movie theater (3)
  • Get an elimination with an Assault Rifle, Shotgun, and a Sniper Rifle (3)
  • Destroy a telescope, a television, and a telephone pole (3)
  • Search the hidden gnome found in between a race track, a cabbage patch and a farm sign (1)
  • Dance at the top of and Mount H7, Mount F8, and Mount Kay (3)
  • Have you managed to complete these challenges yet? Tell us in the comments.

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