Fortnite: How To Unlock X-Force's Cable, Domino and Deadpool

Fortnite has come to be known for its numerous crossovers, mostly in the form of character skins. Players can take on the appearance of characters like Batman, Harley Quinn and Rey. Thanos himself even made an appearance in the game, where players were able to collect and wield the Infinity Gauntlet.

Beginning in Season 2 of Fortnite: Chapter Two, which released in February, players who own the Chapter 2 -- Season 2 Battle Pass are able to complete a series of in-game Deadpool challenges. Completing these challenges, which include such antics as finding Deadpool's chimichanga, destroying toilets or vandalizing posters, unlocks various cosmetics based on Deadpool and other X-Force members.

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Deadpool Outfit

By completing the Week 7 Challenge, players can own the full Deadpool skin, inspired by the costume worn by Ryan Reynolds in the films with a very fittingly bright color palette. To unlock the skin, players must first find Deadpool's dual pistols, which are hidden in the main HQ. The first is hidden beneath the Challenges table, while the second is near the barbells in Meowscle's room.

Once you have both, you need to enter a match to complete the challenge. Enter a match and head for a phone booth or port-a-potty, which are located throughout the map. Enter one and, just like Superman, you will be all suited up in your superhero duds.

Unmasked Deadpool and More

The Week 8 Challenge unlocks the Unmasked Deadpool style and allows Fortnite players to look like undercooked meatloaf. Two Deadpool-themed cosmetics for other characters were also added in Week 8: the Cuddlepool outfit for Cuddle Team Leader and the Ravenpool outfit for Raven.

Cuddlepool and Ravenpool are two Deadpool Mashups Marvel Series outfits, and both come in at 1,500 v-bucks. This equates to $15 USD for each of these Merc-inspired skins, which will only be available for a limited time. Once the Deadpool challenges are over, the skins will be gone for good, so players who are interested shouldn't wait.

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The Week 8 Challenge to unlock the Unmasked Deadpool skin requires the player to find Deadpool's pool floaty and participate in a yacht party. Like the two pistols, the pool floaty can be found in the game's main HQ without entering a match. The floaty is located in the lower right corner of Skye's room. After collecting the floaty, players must enter a match and head for the large yacht off the coast of the map. Once you're on the yacht using a dance emote will unlock Unmasked Deadpool, which resembles Ryan Reynolds crossed with a Shar-Pei.

X-Force Deadpool and Pals

Finally, Week 9 has added yet another Deadpool Challenge, and this week he's brought some friends along. Along with a brand new Deadpool skin, Week 9 has also added some of Wade's X-Force partners to Fortnite. Cable, Psylocke and Domino are now all available in the game's Item Shop along with their gear. The trio are sporting classic comics-inspired looks, with their cartoonish proportions fitting right in with Fortnite's artstyle. They will only be available for a limited time, so players are encouraged to get them while they can.

Each X-Force skin costs 1,500 v-bucks, or $15 USD. Each skin has a matching pickaxe, which goes for 800 v-bucks or $8 USD. Finally, Psylocke's glider is available for 1,200 v-bucks, equaling $12. A bundle with the three X-Force skins is available for 3,000 v-bucks, giving you three for the price of two, and another bundle with all the gear is available for 2,400 v-bucks, as opposed to the 4,000 v-bucks it would cost to buy each individually.

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To match his X-Force comrades, Deadpool also gets a third skin in Week 9. The black and white X-Force Deadpool outfit can be unlocked by completing this week's challenge, just like the two skins before it. Keeping up Deadpool's wacky antics, the challenge involves finding Wade's shorts and saluting a pair of pants as they flap in the wind. This challenge follows the trend of the two before it, with the player required to locate the shorts in the main HQ before jumping into the game map to complete the challenge. The shorts can be found in Midas' room, hanging off of him armchair.

To salute Deadpool's pants, enter a game and head for the eastern part of Sweaty Sands. You will find the pants waving around on a flagpole on a rooftop. Get close to them, and a button prompt will allow you to salute, which will unlock the X-Force Deadpool skin.

Fortnite's weekly Deadpool Challenges, which were originally set to end with the conclusion of Chapter 2 -- Season 2 on April 30, both have been extended to June 4. This gives players more time to complete all of the Deadpool Challenges and acquire all of the Merc With a Mouth's goodies.

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About The Author

Thomas McNulty is an avid reader, writer, player and watcher from New Jersey. Fresh out of college he is thrilled to be writing for CBR, doing what he loves and immersing himself in topics that are near and dear. Movies, TV shows, video games and books are personal passions, and the chance to write about them is a dream. He is committed to delivering accuracy with every article.

More About Thomas McNulty

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